£97 Shirt Riddle, 97 pound shirt riddle answer is the latest math puzzle trending online on social media. The riddle says “You see a £97 shirt, but don’t have any cash, so you borrow £50 from your mum & £50 from your dad = £100. You buy the shirt, have £3 change so give mum £1, dad £1 & keep the other £1 for yourself. You now owe mum £49, dad £49 so £49+£49 = £98 & your £1 makes £99“. In this puzzle, we have to solve and find where is the missing pound.
People from across the world are participating in this riddle and are challenging their friends on Twitter, Facebook to solve it. So here in this post, we are going to provide the £97 Shirt Riddle Answer. So now let’s get started.
£97 Shirt Riddle
Riddle: You see a £97 shirt, but don’t have any cash, so you borrow £50 from your mum & £50 from your dad = £100. You buy the shirt, have £3 change so give mum £1, dad £1 & keep the other £1 for yourself. You now owe mum £49, dad £49 so £49+£49 = £98 & your £1 makes £99 so where is the missing £1?
£97 Shirt Riddle Answer
Here in this riddle, you took £50 from your mum & £50 from your dad.
So the total pound you took is £50 + £50 = £100
Now next you buy a shirt worth of £97 and you get back £3 change.
Hence, £97 + £3 = £100
Next you give £1 to your mum, £1 to your dad and you keep £1 with yourself.
So now this makes £97 for shirt + £1 + £1 + £1 = £100
Therefore, after giving £1 to mum, and £1 to dad, the missing £1 is with yourself.