What The Least Number Of Chairs Riddle Answer (SOLVED)

What The Least Number Of Chairs Riddle: Today we are back with a new riddle that has made social media users to scratch their heads. The name of this riddle is What The Least Number Of Chairs. Just scroll down to check What The Least Number Of Chairs Riddle Answer along with an explanation.

What The Least Number Of Chairs Riddle

The riddle reads:

What’s the least number of chairs you would need around a table to sit four fathers, two grandfathers, and four sons?

What The Least Number Of Chairs Riddle Answer

The correct answer to What’s The Least Number Of Chairs Riddle is 4.

What The Least Number Of Chairs Riddle Explanation

Now we know that the answer for What The Least Number Of Chairs Riddle is 4, so let me explain how we got 4 as the answer.

So before we start, let us read the riddle once again.

The What The Least Number Of Chairs Riddle says:-

What’s the least number of chairs you would need around a table to sit four fathers, two grandfathers, and four sons?

Here if you read the riddle carefully, the riddle asks how many chairs are needed to sit for 4 fathers, 2 grandfathers, and 4 sons.. But it’s not the same way as it sounds. Here the four fathers can be grandfathers and they are already sons.

Therefore, What The Least Number Of Chairs Riddle Answer is 4 Chairs.
