Realme Real Fun Unlocked Contest Answers: Win Realme Wireless Buds

Realme Real Fun Unlocked Contest, Realme contest answers: Realme RealFun Unlocked is the new contest announced by Realme mobiles for all its users. Here in this contest, Realme has posted an Image on its official Twitter, Instagram and Facebook account, and it wants you to solve the puzzle. The winners will stand a chance to win a brand new Reame Wireless Buds for free.

Here in this post we are going to solve the Realme challenge puzzle image and provide you the correct answer.

Realme RealFun Unlocked Answer

Realme RealFun Unlocked Answer


Clue – Clock

Clue 1 – Vase

Clue 2 – Book

Clue 3 – Bag

Clue 4 – Frame

Answer – Real Fun Unlocked

Realme RealFun Unlocked Contest Details, terms & Conditions

  1. To participate and stand a chance to win, you must fulfill the following
    • Follow realme Facebook Page, Twitter Handle and Instagram Account.
    • For everyday challenges, the entries must be submitted before 12 AM of the same day.
    • To be eligible to win the jackpot prize, one must participate in all the #RealFunUnlocked challenges before the jackpot prize challenge.
    • Use the correct hashtag with every comment/reply -#RealFunUnlocked
  2. The prizes will be dispatched to the respective winners after the lockdown period.
  3. Realme shall not be responsible for any loss, injury or any other liability arising due to participation by any person in this Contest.
  4. Any participation is voluntary and the selection of the winner is being made purely on a best effort basis.
  5. Winners need to share their respective details through direct messages (DM) within a week after the announcement of the same.
  6. No social media website/platform is sponsoring our contest.
  7. The participant has to provide their information to realme and not to any social media website.
