How Many S In The Sentence Riddle Answer (SOLVED)

How Many S In The Sentence Riddle Answer: Sam And Sarah Saw Seven Sharks While Swimming. Now, How Many S’s are In The Sentence? is the latest Brain teaser riddle trending on Twitter and Facebook. In this riddle we have to find the number of S in the sentence. Many people from all over the world are sharing this riddle with their friends and are challenging them to find a correct answer.

So here in this post we are going to solve this riddle for you and provide the correct answer to the How Many S In The Sentence Riddle. So let us get started

How Many S In The Sentence Answer

There are three possible answers to the How Many S In The Sentence Riddle. The first possible answer to How Many S In The Sentence Riddle is 1, followed by 6 and 2. Now let us explain this to you.

How Many S’s In The Sentence First Possible Answer

If you read the riddle question properly, the riddle says “Sam And Sarah Saw Seven Sharks While Swimming. Now, How Many S’s are In The Sentence?”. Here in the last sentence, it is written: “How Many S’s are In The Sentence”. This means that we have to count the number of S in the word Sentence. So the word Sentence has 1 S in it.

Therefore the 1st possible answer is One (1).

How Many S In The Sentence Second Possible Answer

The 2nd and most relevant answer to the riddle is Six (6). As we can clearly see that in the riddle “Sam And Sarah Saw Seven Sharks While Swimming. Now, How Many S’s are In The Sentence?” there are a total of 6 S’s. If we count the S in the last sentence (i.e. the question) it becomes 8. But we are not going to count the S from the last sentence as it’s a question itself. 

Therefore the 2nd possible answer is Six (6).

How Many S In The Sentence Third Possible Answer

If we see the question closely, we can find that in the sentence “How Many S’s are In The Sentence?” the S is in capitals. So if we count the capital S in the riddle, we get only 2 S in Sarah, Sam words.

Therefore the 3rd possible How Many S In The Sentence Answer answer is Two (2).
