A Bus Driver And A Doctor Riddle Answer (SOLVED)

A Bus Driver And A Doctor Riddle Answer, A Bus Driver Riddle is the latest tricky and interesting puzzle trending on Facebook, Instagram, and WhatsApp. People from across the globe are trying to solve A Bus Driver And A Doctor Riddle correctly and sharing it with their friends and family members on social media. So today in this post we will solve and provide A Bus Driver Riddle answer.

A Bus Driver And A Doctor Riddle

The riddle reads:-

A doctor and a bus driver are both in love with the same woman, an attractive girl named Sarah. The bus driver had to go on a long bus trip that would last a week. Before he left, he gave Sarah seven apples. Why?

A Bus Driver And A Doctor Riddle Answer

The correct answer to A Bus Driver And A Doctor Riddle is “Apple a day keeps the doctor away”

A Bus Driver And A Doctor Riddle Explanation

So before we start, let us read the riddle once again. The riddle reads A doctor and a bus driver are both in love with the same woman, an attractive girl named Sarah. The bus driver had to go on a long bus trip that would last a week. Before he left, he gave Sarah seven apples. Why?.

The riddle clearly mentions that A doctor and a bus driver are both in love with the same woman. And the bus driver had to go on a week-long trip. This means the driver will not be able to meet the girl named Sarah for 7 days.

So before leaving for the trip the bus driver gave Sarah seven apples because there’s a famous saying that An apple a day keeps doctor away.

