Grapes Watermelon Banana Puzzle Answer (SOLVED) | Fruit Puzzle

Grapes Watermelon Banana Puzzle Answer is the latest Fruit puzzle that is trending online on social media. It is a math puzzle where you have to solve it using BODMAS rule to get the correct answer. Most of the people are unable to solve this simple fruit puzzle as they make a mistake in calculation.

In this post, we are going to solve and provide the Grapes Watermelon Banana Puzzle answer. So now let us get started.

Grapes Watermelon Banana Puzzle Answer, Fruit Puzzle Answer

The Grapes Watermelon Banana Puzzle Answer is 125

Fruit Puzzle: Grapes Watermelon Banana Math Solution

To solve this puzzle correctly, we are going to find the values of Grapes, Watermelon and Banana. Thereafter we will do the math calculation using BODMAS rule to get the correct answer.

Let’s find the value of Grapes first. 1000/4 = 250 so 1 Grape bunch = 250

Now Let’s find the value of Watermelon:

Let’s assume watermelon as x.

So x + 250 + 250 = 500

X = 500 – 500 = 0 .

Thus 1 Watermelon = 0

Next, we are going to find the Banana value.

Lets assume banana = Y

So Y + 0 + 250 = 500

Y = 500 – 250 = 250

Hence 2 Banana is 250 whereas 1 banana is 250/2 = 125

Now finally we have (Grapes = 250) + (Banana = 125) – (Grapes = 250) x (Watermelon = 0)

So in the given order, we do multiplication before addition.

So the final equation is

250 + 125 – 250 x 0

= 250 + 125 – 250

= 375 – 250

= 125

So the Grapes Watermelon Banana Answer is “125”
